Washington, DC and

New York City

Hon. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Atlanta GA

Hon. Rep. John Lewis

​​Harrisburg, PA
​​Jim Stephenson ​

Baltimore, MD

Rep. Elijah Cummings

​​Baton Rouge, LA ​
​​Annie Smart ​

​Atlanta, GA and

Ft. Walton Beach, FL
​Julian Bond ​

​Los Angeles, CA ​
​Tom Hayden ​

South Africa

Nelson Mandela

Pittsburgh, PA

​Matt Bartholomew

​Jane Becker

​Bob Braun
Bob Christner​ ​
​Ann Conley ​​
Bill Coyne ​
​John Creighton ​
​Larry Evans

Anne Feeney​

Jim Ferlo
​Larry Funsten ​
​Joe Hughes ​
​Frankie Mae Jeter ​
​Dorothy Kolodner ​
Paul Lodico ​
Cary Lund

Ann Mason​

Fr. Jack O'Malley​​

Martin J. O'Malley, Jr. ​
​Marty B. O'Malley ​

Marlene Rebstock

Mary Rieger Chislaghi

Sr. Liguori Rossner

Jack Shea
Lucy Spruill ​

Mike Vesch

Ron Weisen

​​​Patricia A. O'Malley

Social Policy & Programs Consulting    ~    Community Matters
412 - 310 - 4886    ~    info@patomalley-consulting.com
Copyright Patricia A. O'Malley    ~    All rights reserved
Established 1993

When a man

has done

what he considers

to be

his duty

to his people

and his country, 

he can

Rest in Peace.

Nelson Mandela

Patricia A. O'Malley

Social Policy & Programs Consulting

Training and Services for agencies working toward social and economic justice

Social Justice Memorial


Throughout history, millions of people have worked

and struggled tirelessly to improve life for their neighbors.         

They worked for social, political, and economic justice.

They wrote, counted, carried, phoned, packed, counseled, advised,

taught, advocated, walked, marched, demonstrated, protested,

lobbied, went to prison, and more.

They fought for jobs, unions, fair wages, health care, safety, civil rights, human rights, 

voting rights, a clean environment, education, food, shelter, criminal justice, and more.

They fought against hate, greed, bigotry, lies, torture, and more.

They worked to help the poor, elderly, children, imprisoned, forgotten, mistreated, and you.

Many of those good people have passed away.
Here, we remember their names, and honor their work.
If you would like to add to this list, please Contact Pat with the names and the cities where the people worked.