​​​​​​Patricia A. O'Malley
Social Policy & Programs Consulting    ~    Community Matters
412-310-4886    ~    info@patomalley-consulting.com
Copyright Patricia A. O'Malley    ~    All rights reserved
Established 1993

The United States Constitution is the most important document

in U.S. History.

It is the outline for our government.  

These articles explain various aspects

of our Constitution.  

Please take one hour to read the entire Constitution.

It is well worth your time.

Read the U.S. Constitution

Patricia A. O'Malley

Social Policy & Programs Consulting

Training and Services for agencies working toward social and economic justice

U.S. Constitution





Term Limits, Gerrymandering, and Campaign Finance Reform
Advocates use the wrong constitutional argument.

State of the Union Address 2019:  Myths and Facts
Many journalists got this wrong.

America:  Respect the Principles, Not the Symbols​

​​Secession, the U.S. Constitution, and the Consequences
It's Not What You Think

Discover What's Not In the Constitution 

Appreciate Your Bill of Rights
Celebrate Our 223rd Bill of Rights Day

Free Speech:  Myths and Facts
Our schools still don't teach this stuff.

The Second Amendment, Mental Illness, and Other Observations on the Tucson Tragedy​

Executive Orders and the U.S. Constitution

Yes, They Are Constitutional

Activist Supreme Court Judges Created Their Own Power
The Constitution Does Not Authorize Judicial Review

Separation of Church and State:  Myths and Facts
The Founders Tried to Protect Us from Religious Extremists
National Day of Prayer is Unconstitutional

Impeachment: Myths, Facts, and History
Ask your school board why they don't teach this.

How Does the Electoral College Work?
And Why Don't We Get Rid of It?

Supreme Court Spectacle Illustrates the Nomination Process
And Senate Republicans Execute Outstanding Obstruction Obstacles

Marriage Equality:  Myths and Facts
What the Supreme Court Ruling Means to You

Accused Terrorists Should be Tried as Civilians

Unless You Don't Trust Our Constitution 

The Ten Biggest Lies in America
You've Heard All of Them

Nationwide Grassroots Project Will Amend U.S. Constitution to End Corporate Power in Elections
Restore American democracy. Corporations are not people.

Prosecuting and Convicting American Presidents: Myths and Facts

Yes, It can be done.

Sovereign Citizens, Constitutional Sheriffs, and Domestic Terror Organizations

You can't just make stuff up, folks.

How to Expel a Congressperson

George Santos is in rare company.

Yes, Texas Can Secede

Here We Go Again

The Constitution's Real Purpose

Many people get it wrong.

Stay-at-Home and Social Distancing Orders ARE Constitutional

Americans need to learn what our schools refuse to teach.

Futile Efforts to Abolish Consumer Debt

Americans need to learn what our schools refuse to teach.

No, the President Does Not Have Total Power

Not a chance.

What if Donald Trump Refuses to Leave Office?

Read This, Bill Maher.

Impeachment 101:  The Basics

Breaking down the rhetoric.

Treason: Myths and Facts

Sorry folks. Donald Trump is not a traitor.

Celebrate National Women's Equality Day

August 26, 2019

Our Founders Gave Us a Living Constitution
Strict construction is wishful thinking.

What is the Constitution Anyway?
And why do our schools teach it wrong?​​​

Happy Constitution Day!

What is it anyway?  And does it still matter?

Congressional Powers and the Elastic Clause

What does "general welfare" mean?

Protests and Demonstrations Do Bring Change

We can't make progress without them.

You Can Stop the Atrocity at America's Borders

This is how we create terrorists.

Presidential Pardons and Constitutional Crisis
